
of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple

Shareholding Organizations

Terre Haute Lodge
No. 19, F.&A.M.

A Lodge of Freemasons Chartered under the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons. Stated meetings are held monthly on the 1st Tuesday at 7pm. Meetings are held on the 2nd Floor of the Temple in the Middle Lodge Room.

Chartered September 13, 1821

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Humboldt Lodge
No. 42, F.&A.M.

A Lodge of Freemasons Chartered under the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons. Stated meetings are held monthly on the 1st Wednesday at 7pm. Meetings are held  on the 2nd Floor of the Temple in the Middle Lodge Room.

Chartered May 24, 1870

Terre Haute 19 Facebook

Social Lodge
No. 86, F.&A.M.

A Lodge of Freemasons Chartered under the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons. Stated meetings are held monthly on the 1st Monday at 7pm. Meetings are held on the 2nd Floor of the Temple in the South Lodge Room.

Chartered May 29, 1850

ContactWebsiteTerre Haute 19 Facebook

Terre Haute Chapter
No. 11, R.A.M.

The the first of three bodies of the Terre Haute York Rite, the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, confers the Degrees of: Mark Master Mason, [Virtual] Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. Meetings are held on the 3rd Floor of the Temple in the Chapter Suite.

Chartered March 24, 1849


Terre Haute Council
No. 8, R.&S.M.

The second of three bodies of the Terre Haute York Rite, the Council of Royal & Select Masters, confers the Degrees of: Royal Master, Select Master, and Super Excellent Master. Meetings are held on the 3rd Floor of the Temple in the Chapter Suite.

Chartered May 20, 1856


Terre Haute Commandery
No. 16, K.T.

The third of three bodies of the Terre Haute York Rite, the Commandery of Knights Templar, confers the Degrees of: The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross, The Passing Order of St. Paul, The Order of the Knights of Malta, and The Order of the Temple. Meetings are held on the 3rd Floor of the Temple in the Commandery Suite.

Chartered May 14, 1867


Affiliate Organizations

Terre Haute Bethel
No. 2, I.O.J.D.

The International Order of Jobs Daughters is a Masonic youth group for ladies between the ages of 10 and 20 who are related to a Master Mason in good standing. Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month on the Ground Floor of the Temple in the Ballroom.

Chartered March 28, 1924


Terre Haute Chapter
No. 43, O.E.S.

A co-educational organization in the family of Freemasonry, the Order of the Eastern Star is open to Master Masons in good standing and their female relatives over the age of 18. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month on the 2nd Floor of the Temple in the North Lodge Room.

Chartered March 6, 1880

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Terre Haute Court
No. 25, Order of Amaranth

A co-educational organization in the family of Freemasonry, the Order of Amaranth is open to Master Masons in good standing and their female relatives over the age of 18. Meetings are held on the 4th Saturday on the Ground Floor of the Temple in the Ballroom.

Chartered August 29, 1959.


Edward C. Etchison Council
No. 326, A.M.D.

The Allied Masonic Degrees in an invitational body of the York Rite which is open to members who have received the Degree of Royal Arch Mason. The Allied Masonic Degrees confers historic degrees. The November meeting is held on the 3rd Floor of the Temple in the Chapter Suite.

Chartered February 25, 1995


Brethren Chapter
Widows Sons Masonic R.A.

The Widows Sons Masonic Motorcycle Riders Association is an affinity organization for Freemasons who enjoy motorcycling together. Membership is open to all Master Masons in good standing. Meetings are held on the on the 3rd Wednesday of each month on the Ground Floor of the Temple in the Ballroom.

Chartered October 12, 2019


Jerry L. Burns Chapter
Order of Demolay

The Order of DeMolay is a Masonic Family organization for men between the ages of 13 and 21 founded in 1919 by "Dad" Frank S. Land. The Jerry L. Burns Chapter is the most recent addition to Terre Haute's Masonic community but it has DeMolay has a rich history in Terre Haute, previously as the George Ewing Fairbanks Chapter and the William H. Baugh Chapter.

Organized October 2023
Chartered May 16, 2024

ContactWebsiteTerre Haute 19 Facebook

Friends of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple

Friends of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple was organized to (1) assist in raising funds to support the care, improvements, and restoration of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple; (2) to increase public and private utilization and access to the Terre Haute Masonic Temple; (3) to increase awareness and education relating to the Terre Haute Masonic Temple and historic structures at large; and (4) to increase the educational awareness of the history of Fraternalism in the United States, Indiana, and Vigo County.

Friends of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. EIN - 99-2338744

Specific ways that Friends of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple can support the Temple and work toward the objectives:

Raise funds through monthly giving in the "1917 CLUB" ($19.17/mo)
Open the Temple for public tours
Raise funds through planned giving and estate giving
Open the Temple for open houses
Raise funds through internally and externally focused events
Share the history of the Terre Haute Masonic Temple
Promote the Temple to local organizations seeking meeting space
Educate on the history of Freemasonry in Vigo County
Promote the Temple to special event rentals
Support the Terre Haute Masonic Temple through project completions
Represent the Temple to event and business trade groups
Support the Terre Haute Masonic Temple through financial donations
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